Happy 12th. Birthday
12 years of gathering so many different kinds and colors of precious Gems.
Each one special in it's own way and coming together to make a most beautiful
ornament to adorn our "Garden of Friendship"
Please accept these gifts of appreciation from our Welcoming Committee.
Lovingly given by "Jo"
Lovingly given by "Birgitta"
Lovingly given by "Mira"
Lovingly given by "Cheri"
Lovingly given by "Jus Kuntree"
Lovingly given by "Kat Coconut"
Lovingly given by "Lady Care"
Lovingly given by "Cindy"
Lovingly given by "Sarah"
Lovingly given by "Bessie"
Lovingly given by "Deborah"
Lovingly given by "Mickey Mom"
Webset created by Jo exclusively for the Garden of Friendship Welcoming Committee.
All ideas, concepts, and content including text, content and graphics are owned by The Garden of
Friendship and its members unless otherwise noted and should not be taken or duplicated without expressed written
consent Copyright © 2000 And Beyond The Garden of Friendship